In order to continue offering the most affordable direct cremation services possible, aCremation asks families to submit obituaries directly to publications. Many funeral homes charge additional for this service because it requires additional resources.
To help families save money, we recommend that families submit their own, regardless if they are choosing cremation, a funeral and burial, or interment in a cemetery. In the past, publications wanted them to be submitted by the funeral home but times have changed and a vast majority of newspapers and online obituary sites accept them from families.

Guidelines for submitting obituaries:
- Deadlines – When contacting a publication (whether print or online) be sure to confirm the time of day when submissions from individuals are due because they vary by publication. Some have a noon deadline for it to run the next day. Many publications have timelines for how long after the death they will publish obituaries (typically within 30 days). The best approach is to look online since many have the information posted. If not, call the publication directly.
- Costs – Obituaries (also called Death Notices) are typically considered a form of classified ad. As a result, you will be charged based on the length of the obituary. If there is a charge, you will be asked to pay for the notice in advance. One of the first decisions you should make is where you want to place a full-length obituary and in what publications you just need a death notice.
- Verification – aCremation will gladly speak with publications requesting verification from a funeral home/crematory. If you are submitting an obituary and the publication or website needs us to confirm the information, give our Care Team a call. Frequently, it only takes a phone call but we can also send something in writing. This service is included in our cremation package.