12 May To the working mother, Happy Mother’s Day
There are many flavors of motherhood, and I’ve been blessed to experience several of them as a working mother.
- Working mothers.
- Mothers with mothers still living.
- Mothers grieving their mothers.
- Mothers caring for aging parents.
So when I think of Mother’s Day, I do it from many perspectives. Perhaps you share the same ones. Today, I’m shedding my typical cremation-related theme to share my thoughts about motherhood.
We prioritize, re-prioritize, shift and juggle family, home and work. It’s hard, but we excel at it. Our husbands and friends are in awe of us. Wondering how we do it all. We get teary and thankful when they notice, but move forward with our duties when they don’t.
Mothers are blessed when we can see our dedication pay off. We feel it when the hugs come, in abundance when children are little and infrequently but perhaps more heart-felt as they grow up. If we’re really lucky, we continue to get them when they are adults. We see it in their physical and personal growth – absorbing information, forming opinions, becoming independent thinkers and transforming into responsible adults.
Working moms have two full-time jobs. We enjoy our careers, especially if we are fortunate to have one that helps people in some way, giving us a sense of purpose. We model hard work and responsibility for them so they grow up become valuable members of society.
Of course, our ultimate reward is found in raising our family and turning a house into a home. We provide income to pay the bills, cooking to nourish the body, and love to fill the soul. With older parents, we are rewarded with the time we spend with them doing full service care giving, providing taxi service to appointments, and taking time to sit, listen and comfort.
Mothers may feel overwhelmed, sleep-deprived, worry-ridden, and flat out frazzled but we never give up. When the house is quiet, we sit down or crawl in bed thinking of everything still on the list that didn’t get touched.
This year, I encourage us all to also take a moment to be thankful for all the complexities of motherhood. And realize, we are the most perfect, most qualified person for the job!
aCremation is a licensed funeral establishment specializing in direct cremation throughout North, Central and South Texas. We have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. Our team of dedicated, compassionate professionals are available around-the-clock to assist with making cremation arrangements and to answer any questions. aCremation currently serves Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Tyler and Waco. We invite you to call us, toll-free at 877-353-3626.